life is just better when shared with a beloved companion

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Our Best Friends
Author: J H McIntosh
No “personal round-up” of pets would be complete without introducing you to Buster, my pet crow.
Crows are typically thought of with disdain, but that is not what I experienced with this highly intelligent, friendly, but sometimes mischievous bird.

When I brought Buster home from the wild, he didn’t even have fully formed feathers. He was still covered with that fuzzy stuff we see on week old baby chickens.
My father always encouraged my love and curiosity of nature so he built Buster his own home. We never caged Buster.
Buster’s home was like a doghouse only smaller. It even had shingles like a real house. I filled his house with hay from the barn and Buster made himself very comfortable in there.
My father, being a wise man made the entrance to Buster’s place large enough for Buster to come and go at his leisure. But small enough to prevent predators like the many feral cats, wild foxes, hawks and others eager to turn Buster into lunch.

I remember, when I placed Buster in his new home for the first time, I thanked my father for letting me keep Buster. He said, “You know son, it is said that if you split a crows tongue when young, there’s a good chance they will learn to talk. Do you want to try that?” I thought for a minute and said: “No, Sir!”

Buster loved to land on my shoulder or the top of my head and peck on the bill of my baseball hat. It must have been his way of saying “Hi”. Perhaps the reason we bonded so well together was, before Buster was able to feed himself, I was Buster’s “surrogate mom”.
My father was very good mechanically and did whatever repairs our family car required. Buster was always attracted to shiny objects. If my father did not take care where he set a wrench while working on our car, Buster would swoop down and off he would fly with it.
I’m not going to repeat what my father typically said whenever that happened. I’ve had a lot of pets in my love, and it’s hard to pick a favorite, but Buster is definitely a strong contender.
The last year Buster lived with us, he would disappear for a few days but always come home in the end. Each foray into the wild kept getting longer and longer.
One day Buster did not return.
While drying the tears in my eyes, my mom told me how proud she was of the good start in life we gave Buster. That we all should take joy in knowing Buster is happy creating a family and home of his own.
That helped a lot. Every time I hear a crow caw, I smile and wonder how many generations of crows have heard Buster’s amazing story of living in “captivity” with the McIntosh family.

I’ll always remember coming home from school, reuniting with family and being greeted enthusiastically by my beloved, childhood companion Buster. There is something about the unconditional love of a loyal animal companion that touches our very soul.

Most pet lovers recognize how much pets help us emotionally. Owning a pet typically benefits our mental and physical health and can even improve social skills for children. Interaction with a pet, lowers blood pressure and stress levels by decreasing the stress hormone “cortisol”.
Some estimates place the number of U.S. households with a pet, at sixty-eight percent. Pets and humans, for the vast majority of us are members of a “mutual admiration society”. Sometimes it’s hard to calculate whether we as humans or our pets take the greatest joy from this arrangement.
Much of this is, of course anecdotal. There needs to be more hard research on human-animal interactions. Dr. Layla Esposito (who oversees NIH’s Human-Animal Interaction Research Program) spoke about the findings of a recent study saying: “There’s not one answer about how a pet can help somebody with a specific condition.”
Dr. Esposito continued, “Is your goal to increase physical activity? Then you might benefit from owning a dog. You have to walk a dog several times a day and you’re going to increase physical activity. If your goal is reducing stress, sometimes watching fish swim can result in a feeling of calmness. So, there’s no one type fits all.”
Dr. James Griffin, a child development expert at NIH added, “We’re trying to tap into the subjective quality of the relationship with the animal, that part of the bond that people feel with animals, and how that translates into some of the health benefits.”

Therapy Dogs
So called “therapy dogs” are frequently brought into nursing homes and hospitals to aid in the reduction of patient anxiety and stress. This animal source of patient comfort and support is becoming recognized more and more.

Dr. Ann Berger, a physician and researcher at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland works with the terminally ill as well as cancer patients. She notes that “Dogs are very present. If someone is struggling with something, they know how to sit there and be loving.”
Some call this “Animal Mindfulness”. It is manifested in compassion, awareness, attention, and intention. “All of those things are things that animals bring to the table. People kind of have to learn it. Animals do this innately,” Dr. Berger continues.
A classroom study found that dogs may help children with ADHD, focus better. This controlled study involved two groups of children clinically diagnosed with ADHD. The children were enrolled in group therapy sessions for twelve weeks. One group read to a therapy dog for 30 minutes, once a week. The control group read to dog-shaped puppets.
The students who read to the live animals were better at “cooperation, volunteering and sharing”. Not surprisingly, this group experienced fewer behavioral problems. In other words, they exhibited “improved social skills”.
A similar study of children with autism demonstrated that playing with guinea pigs in the classroom resulted in calming the kids. Researchers surmise the “unconditional acceptance” exhibited by the guinea pigs also helped “drop levels of anxiety, improved social interactions and increased engagement among fellow students”.

Dr. Griffin added that, in their attempts to better understand the effects of animal/human interaction, it is clear, “Animals can become a way of building a bridge for those social interactions.”
Now, we must acknowledge that a pet in the home is not an option for everyone. Allergic reactions to animals among some are very real. Interestingly, some studies indicate that a child’s early exposure to pets can mitigate against allergies as well as asthma.
A classroom study found that dogs may help children with ADHD, focus better. This controlled study involved two groups of children clinically diagnosed with ADHD. The children were enrolled in group therapy sessions for twelve weeks. One group read to a therapy dog for 30 minutes, once a week. The control group read to dog-shaped puppets.
The students who read to the live animals were better at “cooperation, volunteering and sharing”. Not surprisingly, this group experienced fewer behavioral problems. In other words, they exhibited “improved social skills”.
A similar study of children with autism demonstrated that playing with guinea pigs in the classroom resulted in calming the kids. Researchers surmise the “unconditional acceptance” exhibited by the guinea pigs also helped “drop levels of anxiety, improved social interactions and increased engagement among fellow students”.
Dr. Griffin added that, in their attempts to better understand the effects of animal/human interaction, it is clear, “Animals can become a way of building a bridge for those social interactions.”
Now, we must acknowledge that a pet in the home is not an option for everyone. Allergic reactions to animals among some are very real. Interestingly, some studies indicate that a child’s early exposure to pets can mitigate against allergies as well as asthma.
Having pets includes the responsibilities of caring for them. Like all things in life, it’s a two-way street. If we take animals out of their natural habitat for our personal benefit, it’s our obligation to ensure their needs are met.
They have to be fed, bathed, given our attention and taken to the veterinary clinic when sick or due for a shot. If not properly cared for animals will be stressed, tired and their health will be less than optimal.
It’s incumbent upon all pet owners to recognize when a beloved pet is not “one hundred percent”.
A pet cannot really tell us verbally about a “tummy ache”. It’s our job to be their “best friend”. To notice what is going on in their life. A dog surrounded by attentive humans will live longer than one always chained to a stake in the backyard.

A beagle has an average life span of twelve to fifteen years. Dublin lived with us for eighteen years due in large part to the love and attention he received.
Beagles make tremendous family dogs because they are very playful, loving and good with children. They like lots of attention and exercise. Beagles like a house full of people and constant play companions. They are free, casual, carefree, easy-going dogs and are very loyal. Beagles are loving in nature and Dublin certainly was a great representative of his breed.
Blue, my childhood family dog, lived to be nineteen. Outliving his Blue Tick Hound Dog fellow breed members by seven years. Did the love he received from the eight kids that hugged him everyday result in that kind of longevity? I think so!

Greyhounds are easy and carefree dogs. They love chilling, enjoy sleeping and are very good with children. Greyhounds actually make for the perfect city dogs as they require very little exercise.
If anyone is looking for a guard dog, greyhounds may not be the best choice because they typically are excited to meet anyone new at the front door. Greyhounds like to show their affection and love with their full body by rubbing their bodies against you.

The Dalmatian is also loving in nature. Dalmatians are famous and popular for being firehouse dogs.
Dalmatians were historically preferred for coaching and training dogs for horse-drawn carriages. Dalmatians are playful, highly energetic, active and sensitive dogs.
Dalmatians are good with children and loyal to their family. These dogs are intelligent. Dalmatians can be well trained, attentive and make good watchdogs.
Blue, my childhood family dog, lived to be nineteen. Outliving his Blue Tick Hound Dog fellow breed members by seven years. Did the love he received from the eight kids that hugged him everyday result in that kind of longevity? I think so!

Greyhounds are easy and carefree dogs. They love chilling, enjoy sleeping and are very good with children. Greyhounds actually make for the perfect city dogs as they require very little exercise.
If anyone is looking for a guard dog, greyhounds may not be the best choice because they typically are excited to meet anyone new at the front door. Greyhounds like to show their affection and love with their full body by rubbing their bodies against you.
The Dalmatian is also loving in nature. Dalmatians are famous and popular for being firehouse dogs.
Dalmatians were historically preferred for coaching and training dogs for horse-drawn carriages. Dalmatians are playful, highly energetic, active and sensitive dogs.
Dalmatians are good with children and loyal to their family. These dogs are intelligent. Dalmatians can be well trained, attentive and make good watchdogs.
Malinois are usually loving in nature. The dog may be unsociable with strangers but is affectionate and loves those with whom they are familiar. Malinois are naturally protective of their owners.
They possess a strong desire to work. They are quick, active and responsive to the owner’s commands. If we take proper care, Malinois can be a great loyal pet for our family.
In fact, they can be smart, responsive, active, loyal, and a great family companion. If neglected and ignored they can be destructive and aggressive.

Despite their formidable size, Danes are highly affectionate, loving and social. They need lots of love, attention and interaction with people and other animals. Great Danes are known for kindness and are good with other pets. Great Danse, despite their size, can be witnessed resting and playing with smaller dogs and cats too.
The Great Dane is courageous, spirited, always friendly, loving and dependable. They are seldom timid or aggressive.
What About Cats?
Cats make great pets. We had a Japanese exchange student live with us when I was in my early thirties. Tosh was a teenager and ate five meals a day. About the same time Tosh arrived, we adopted a kitten that strayed into our yard.
Every time Tosh went into the kitchen to look for something to eat, Tallyho (the cat) would follow, knowing Tosh would feed it as well.
The house we lived in had one of those traditional, three-sided bay windows with a cushion. We could sit there late afternoons, enjoy a beautiful sunset with a cup of Earl Grey tea. After about six months of Tallyho eating five times a day, when she sprawled out on the bay window cushion, there wasn’t enough room left for a flea. That cat was enormous.

Typically, the American Bobtail cat is nowhere near the size to which Tallyho grew. But the Bobtail is loving, intelligent and friendly. They are great family cats because they are friendly with children, family and other household pets.
American Bobtails are popular for their wild looking appearance. The most notable features are a natural, hunting gaze and their “bobbed” stubby tails. They exude cuteness. They make us smile, fill us with joy and warm our hearts with their playful antics.
Bobtails love to jump into our laps to win our hearts with their bright beautiful eyes and soothing purrs
The American Shorthair is a perfect choice if your schedule limits the time you have to devote to a pet. They do not mind being solitary. The Shorthair is affectionate and loving, but also spends copious amounts of time just sleeping in the sun.
They have strong, hard vigorous bodies, but contrary to what their muscular build suggests, they are not aggressive or rude. The American shorthair cat is an easy cat to care for and makes an amazing companion.

Ragdoll cats are among the most friendly and sociable of our feline friends. Ragdolls are known to be calm, gentle, and sociable. They are affectionate without being demanding. Ragdolls have an almost dog-like devotion and loyalty to owners.
The best Ragdoll characteristic is they are attuned to our emotional needs. For many, that makes them a perfect companion. They are also cute and jolly.
LaPerm can be extremely affectionate and friendly with close family members. They can thrive in a household with or without children or other pets. They are easy going and playful. LaPerm enjoy interactive toys and love to learn tricks. They love attention from children

Bobtails love to jump into our laps to win our hearts with their bright beautiful eyes and soothing purrs
The American Shorthair is a perfect choice if your schedule limits the time you have to devote to a pet. They do not mind being solitary. The Shorthair is affectionate and loving, but also spends copious amounts of time just sleeping in the sun.
They have strong, hard vigorous bodies, but contrary to what their muscular build suggests, they are not aggressive or rude. The American shorthair cat is an easy cat to care for and makes an amazing companion.
Ragdoll cats are among the most friendly and sociable of our feline friends. Ragdolls are known to be calm, gentle, and sociable. They are affectionate without being demanding. Ragdolls have an almost dog-like devotion and loyalty to owners.
The best Ragdoll characteristic is they are attuned to our emotional needs. For many, that makes them a perfect companion. They are also cute and jolly.
LaPerm can be extremely affectionate and friendly with close family members. They can thrive in a household with or without children or other pets. They are easy going and playful. LaPerm enjoy interactive toys and love to learn tricks. They love attention from children
Birman cats are famous especially as affectionate and loving breeds. They have been bred as companion cats for many generations. They are dutiful and soft spoken. Loving, affectionate, smart, curious and people-friendly are terms those who have lived with Birmans often site as typical traits for this playful breed.

Maine Coons are very friendly and affectionate by nature. They don’t hide or fear when strangers come over. Many describe Maine Coon cats as “dog-like” and they have been labeled “dogs of the cat world.”
They basically exhibit features people associate with their canine cousins. Plus they are a loyal breed, affectionate with their owners and families. They love being in the company of people.

The Egyptian Mau is gentle, affectionate and reserved. They fit well in nearly any household with people ready to love and care for them.
While affectionate and loving, Egyptian Maus will voice their dislike if you mess with their dinner dish. Otherwise, their voice is usually mellow, melodious and softly quiet.

The Havana Brown is a playful and jolly cat, often content just playing with a favorite toy. They will play with people but can play by themselves.
This breed tends to get very near to one person and attaches itself to that person for life. They are intelligent, alert, affectionate and sometimes exhibit a mischievous personality. Sharing your house with a Havana Brown is both beneficial and a source of pleasure.

Scottish Folds are beautiful and adorable cats with owl-like faces and folded ears. Cats are one of the world’s favorite pets. Scottish folds obtain their name from the fact they have folded ears.
Not every kitten from this breed has folded ears, so those that do are the ones in high demand. Scottish fold cats are affectionate pets. Usually, Scottish Folds prefer company. They are loving in nature. The Scottish Fold is quite intelligent and can adapt to almost any home situation and condition.

Birman cats are famous especially as affectionate and loving breeds. They have been bred as companion cats for many generations. They are dutiful and soft spoken. Loving, affectionate, smart, curious and people-friendly are terms those who have lived with Birmans often site as typical traits for this playful breed.
Maine Coons are very friendly and affectionate by nature. They don’t hide or fear when strangers come over. Many describe Maine Coon cats as “dog-like” and they have been labeled “dogs of the cat world.”
They basically exhibit features people associate with their canine cousins. Plus they are a loyal breed, affectionate with their owners and families. They love being in the company of people.
The Egyptian Mau is gentle, affectionate and reserved. They fit well in nearly any household with people ready to love and care for them.
While affectionate and loving, Egyptian Maus will voice their dislike if you mess with their dinner dish. Otherwise, their voice is usually mellow, melodious and softly quiet.
The Havana Brown is a playful and jolly cat, often content just playing with a favorite toy. They will play with people but can play by themselves.
This breed tends to get very near to one person and attaches itself to that person for life. They are intelligent, alert, affectionate and sometimes exhibit a mischievous personality. Sharing your house with a Havana Brown is both beneficial and a source of pleasure.
Scottish Folds are beautiful and adorable cats with owl-like faces and folded ears. Cats are one of the world’s favorite pets. Scottish folds obtain their name from the fact they have folded ears.
Not every kitten from this breed has folded ears, so those that do are the ones in high demand. Scottish fold cats are affectionate pets. Usually, Scottish Folds prefer company. They are loving in nature. The Scottish Fold is quite intelligent and can adapt to almost any home situation and condition.
Fish Are Fun Too

Neon Tetras are such small, little and peaceful fishes. They really can’t handle living or surviving with “bully” fish. Avoid forcing Neon Tetras from sharing space with any large or aggressive fish, like cichlids and other large fish.
Neon Tetra have a unique method of swimming characterized by quick but graceful movements. They are schooling fish that feel secure as members of a group. As a peaceful and social fish, Neon Tetra do not kill other fish.

Guppies famously are easy to keep. However, a single guppy requires two gallons of tank space to maintain health and happiness. Therefore, even a three-gallon tank is suitable only for a single guppy. If you want your guppy companion to have a guppy companion you will need a four-gallon tank.

The Oscar Fish is indigenous to South America. Their intelligence, playfulness and beautiful colorings have made them very popular. Compatible tank mates for Oscar Fish are other cichlids but they do best in a group of their own kind.
Oscars have been known to be aggressive but that is not their typical behavior unless provoked.
Fish Are Fun Too
Neon Tetras are such small, little and peaceful fishes. They really can’t handle living or surviving with “bully” fish. Avoid forcing Neon Tetras from sharing space with any large or aggressive fish, like cichlids and other large fish.
Neon Tetra have a unique method of swimming characterized by quick but graceful movements. They are schooling fish that feel secure as members of a group. As a peaceful and social fish, Neon Tetra do not kill other fish.
Guppies famously are easy to keep. However, a single guppy requires two gallons of tank space to maintain health and happiness. Therefore, even a three-gallon tank is suitable only for a single guppy. If you want your guppy companion to have a guppy companion you will need a four-gallon tank.
The Oscar Fish is indigenous to South America. Their intelligence, playfulness and beautiful colorings have made them very popular. Compatible tank mates for Oscar Fish are other cichlids but they do best in a group of their own kind.
Oscars have been known to be aggressive but that is not their typical behavior unless provoked.
How About Small Mammals?
Rats actually are very interesting pets. They are small and low maintenance to own. They are very comfortable and suitable in their own space and they can go long periods of the day without much attention.
Rats need lots of food and water. As rats are very sociable animals, it’s best to have at least another pet rat so your pet will not be lonely when you are not there to interact with them. In a friendly environment, Rats perform different tricks and will show off for an audience.

Hamsters, for many people, are excellent pets. The good point is that they don’t require a lot of attention. They are easy to manage as a pet. They get enough exercise running on their wheel, and are cuddly, cute, and pleasant to hold.
They can make a cute “starter” pet for children. Hamsters are clever, intelligent creatures who learn to respond to their name. If you talk to your hamster and use their name frequently, they can even learn to respond to your call.

Pygmy Hedgehogs are active mostly in the evening. These creatures are a good pet for someone who has a 9-to-5 job or has little time for a pet. They are solitary animals that are not used to human interaction or cuddling. They take time acclimating to humans but come around after continual, gentle interaction.
Hedgehogs can be a fun and low-maintenance pet. They do need special care. They are difficult to handle because they have sharp quills. Continuously and proper daily handling and attention will help them relax and feel comfortable with you.
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How About Small Mammals?
Rats actually are very interesting pets. They are small and low maintenance to own. They are very comfortable and suitable in their own space and they can go long periods of the day without much attention.
Rats need lots of food and water. As rats are very sociable animals, it’s best to have at least another pet rat so your pet will not be lonely when you are not there to interact with them. In a friendly environment, Rats perform different tricks and will show off for an audience.
Hamsters, for many people, are excellent pets. The good point is that they don’t require a lot of attention. They are easy to manage as a pet. They get enough exercise running on their wheel, and are cuddly, cute, and pleasant to hold.
They can make a cute “starter” pet for children. Hamsters are clever, intelligent creatures who learn to respond to their name. If you talk to your hamster and use their name frequently, they can even learn to respond to your call.
Pygmy Hedgehogs are active mostly in the evening. These creatures are a good pet for someone who has a 9-to-5 job or has little time for a pet. They are solitary animals that are not used to human interaction or cuddling. They take time acclimating to humans but come around after continual, gentle interaction.
Hedgehogs can be a fun and low-maintenance pet. They do need special care. They are difficult to handle because they have sharp quills. Continuously and proper daily handling and attention will help them relax and feel comfortable with you.
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